
Posts Tagged ‘Recycling’

10 Eco-Friendly Places to Stay in the U.S.

17/05/2011 Comments off

10 Eco-Friendly Places to Stay in the U.S.

These days you’ll find that more and more hotels are putting up placards and hang tags encouraging guests to reuse towels and sheets on multi-night stays. But there are some hostels and hotels that are stepping up their green efforts even more. Kristin Conard of Matador Network recently listed 10 eco-friendly places to stay in the U.S. that will help you leave a smaller footprint as you travel, with options from spending $25 to $300 a night. Read more…

Electronics Companies Vow to Triple E-Cycling Rates

17/04/2011 Comments off


A group of consumer electronics companies have vowed to up their e-cycling rates to 1 billion pounds a year by 2016, which would more than triple the amount of electronic waste recycled in 2010 (300 million pounds). The project is called the eCycling Leadership Initiative and was coordinated by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).


Some of the major companies that have signed on to increase their e-cycling efforts include Best Buy, Toshiba and Sony, but the project will see a wide range of players all working together to meet the goal.

Manufacturers, retailers, collectors, recyclers, non-profits and local and federal government will all participate in increasing consumer awareness of existing collection sites, developing more opportunities for e-cycling and setting standards for proper disposal.

One major area that this project will address is recycler third party certification to ensure that old electronics end up where the consumer and companies intended and not just shipped to dumps overseas. One of the main reasons that many consumers don’t recycle their electronics is not knowing how or where to do it. To help solve that problem, the CEA will launch online tools that guide consumers to the appropriate recycling venues for their electronics. via

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Singapore to soon flaunt a vertical farm incorporated skyscraper

13/03/2011 1 comment

Green Park Building
Living in skyscrapers is nothing new, but concepts now have started floating in which allow people to live and grow their own vegetables in the sky. Eco-minded architecture firm TR Hamzah & Yeang, has come up with a skyscraper design for Singapore, dubbed the EDITT (Ecological Design In The Tropics) Tower. The 26-story skyscraper that will be constructed using various recycled and recyclable materials will house some of the most eco-fascinating technologies ever to be incorporated into a high-rise building.
Original Source :: ecofriend

The V100 Mood Box : A new unique prefab structure for living

05/09/2010 Comments off

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The v100 Mod Box, is a highly modern design that consists of  prefab cubes having dimensions 10 x 10 x 10 ft. Initiated by Phoenix restaurateur Vincenz Saccento, the v100 Mod Box is a prefab system that can create any size home by connecting together multiple cubes, which are separated by breezeways with translucent glass walls. Three of these cubes are expected to be installed in Phoenix in the near soon.

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LED Pots give a different perspective to your planters

04/09/2010 Comments off

Tokujin Yoshioka Unveils Chairs Made of Foil

03/09/2010 Comments off

Japanese design master Tokujin Yoshioka presented a new chair for Moroso, named as Memory, which is made from a “special fabric with recycled aluminum.”

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